While not a true 4x game, since there are no other races to conquer, its still very entertaining. The challenge comes from trying to colonize other stars while defending yourself from the occasional attack from an advanced race trying to rid you from the Galaxy. More of a defensive strategy game. Some aspects of expanding is a little tedious, like exploration, but mostly other aspects were well done such as automating raw material transfers to your other systems through pipelines. Building a strong network of defenses with turrets, repair station, and energy distributer around your star on the Galaxy map seems to help a lot. And read the achievement screen to plan in advance how to unlock upgrades throughout your gameplay.
Edit: Some of the enemy ships use different tactics to attack your systems, and a strong fleet a warships is needed to chase them sometimes, which I thought added a new dimension to the game. Also, when I mentioned achievements, I was really referring to achievements in the mission board of the game, to acquire some tech.
Fun gameplay (start with easy or very easy at first).
Solid interface.
Hours of expansion, exploration, and upgrading.
Good tech tree once you discover it.
Cons: (minor glitches)
Tutorial was ok, but could be better.
Some technologies can only be discovered by getting achievements, which the tutorial doesnt explain well, such as the research station, which I found out half way through the game cause I didnt need the achievement but turns out that facility has all the upgrade tree, so lost a lot of upgrade time...
The star system sight range upgrade resets every so often, and you have to re-research it to correct.
Some of the GUI map marker overlays scaled extra large and off-target for some reason near ending of game.
iGeekoid about Alien Tribe 2: 4X Space RTS TD, v2.0.6